Inclusive Excellence Division

Mission and Vision

The Inclusive Excellence Division empowers and equips UNH community members, academic and administrative units, and campus partners with the education and skill sets to prioritize and incorporate equity and belonging into every aspect of living, working, and learning at UNH.

The IED will infuse justice, equity, diversity, access, and inclusion into every aspect of UNH’s educational goals, mission, and organizational culture.

Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Strategic Initiatives

VP Lawrence and Executive Director Smith work collaboratively with units and departments across campus to foster the University’s commitment to the education of the whole person through support for the recruitment, retention, and success of a diverse community of faculty, staff and students, and through collaborations with other offices to promote academic excellence through a diverse and inclusive campus climate.


Accessibility Resources Center

The Accessibility Resources Center (ARC) provides comprehensive support and a range of services that serve to promote educational equity and ensure that students are able to participate in the opportunities available at the University of New Haven.

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IDEA Council

The mission of the Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access (IDEA) Council is to serve as an advisory group to the president and campus community.

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Myatt Center for Diversity and Inclusion

The Myatt Center for Diversity and Inclusion assists the University in promoting cultural diversity, awareness, and sensitivity throughout the University community.

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Spritual Life and Campus Ministry

The University of New Haven is committed to supporting all students' holistic human and spiritual development.

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Title IX

The University of New Haven adheres to the philosophy that all community members should enjoy an environment free of any form of harassment, sexual misconduct, discrimination, or relationship violence which is under Title IX.

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Leadership Team

Barbara Lawrence

Barbara J. Lawrence, J.D., M.P.A.

Vice President for Institutional Equity and Diversity, Chief Diversity Officer, and Title IX Coordinator

Maxcy Hall 226C
(203) 932-7269

Sheila Smith

Sheila Smith

Executive Director of DEI Strategic Initiatives

Maxcy Hall 226A
(203) 932-7260

Linda Copney-Okeke, M.A.

Linda Copney-Okeke, M.A.

Director of the Accessibility Resources Center Office

Sheffield Hall
(203) 932-7331

Emily Guido

Emily Guido

Assistant Title IX Coordinator / Director of Title IX Compliance

Peterson Library, Rm. 203
(203) 932-7264